A Heartfelt Thanks for an Enlightening Evening on Sustainable Investing with Team Jupiter

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Thank you, Pippa and team Jupiter, for hosting a dinner with consultants passionate about sustainability and how money can be invested as a force for good. We started with an icebreaker, where we all shared our sustainability heroes (dead or alive) whom we would love to spend dinner with - see the list below, with the top three being David Attenborough, Kate Raworth and Johan Rockström. This set the tone for a great discussion.
It was great to hear from Abbie Llewelyn-Waters on how to align savings and investments to a sustainable transition by investing in high-quality companies leading the transition to a more sustainable economy, delivering positive value creation and prompting the needs of Planet, People and Profit. The key problem is that there are a number of systemic risks, such as extreme weather events, critical changes to Earth systems, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, and natural resource shortages not currently being understood and priced by the market. This means there are risks for companies not managing their impacts and dependencies and opportunities for those actively seeking to minimise their and others’ footprints. Kristian Herrington then walked us through Itau, TSMC and Unilever case studies. The Jupiter Global Equities Strategy led by Abbie aims to outperform the MSCI All Country World Index over the long term by investing in circa 40 high-quality companies with fortress-like financials, resilient cash flows and durable franchises that will thrive in a changing world with positive environmental and social impact.
Over the course of dinner, key themes emerged around the practical challenges and opportunities in aligning investment portfolios with sustainable objectives. We discussed the importance of addressing climate risks, with a particular emphasis on the transition to a low-carbon economy and the role of active management in navigating the complexities of ESG integration. We also explored the significance of biodiversity and deforestation, pointing to the need for innovative approaches to protect natural capital and ensure the resilience of investments against environmental risks. By the end of diner, we reached a consensus on the necessity of a multifaceted approach to sustainable investing. As we, the investment community, continue to grapple with these challenges, the insights shared during the event highlight the importance of collaboration, commitment and innovation to driving meaningful change in the pursuit of a sustainable transition.
Thank you it was energising and inspiring to spend an evening together with a room of passionate investment and sustainability consultants who collectively have an impact on how trillions of pounds of assets are invested for a world worth living in. 


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