New McCloud consultation seeks to iron out details of remedy

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The government is consulting again on the McCloud remedy in the Local Government Pension Scheme in England and Wales, including on the draft regulations. The consultation closes at 11:59pm on 30 June. 
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities published a response to the 2020 McCloud consultation last month, setting out how it plans to remedy age discrimination in the LGPS, having been ordered to do so by the courts. 
“We are now seeking views on issues relating to the McCloud remedy, where a) we stated in the government response we would be reconsulting to obtain further views, or b) our initial consultation did not address the issue,” the department said. It is also seeking views on draft scheme regulations that would implement the remedy. 
DLUHC is seeking general views on the following: 

The department is also inviting technical comments and comments on implementation in areas where the policy approach has been determined. They are: 

Consulting firm Aon has welcomed the consultation. Senior consultant Virginia Burke said the government has given "a well considered response to contentious and complex issues", such as aggregation and flexible retirement. 

"We welcome the fact that government is seeking further views on these areas to make sure it gets the policy right – the last thing LGPS members and administrators need are further tweaks down the line," Burke said.
How should the issues raised in the consultation be approached in your view? 

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