Endgame and Priorities Report 2025
In Partnership With
Launched in June 2019, Insights forms an integral part of our mission to empower every pension fund to make better decisions
The defined benefit (DB) pensions landscape has undergone a significant change since mallowstreet and Rothesay partnered on our first pension risk transfer survey in 2020. At the time, many schemes still had significant funding deficits and faced a number of hurdles to the endgame journey. But since then, funding levels have improved significantly, which put many on pace to transact much faster than they initially anticipated. To further understand how endgame readiness is evolving, mallowstreet, in partnership with Rothesay, surveyed 70 UK defined benefit schemes in March 2024. This report presents our in-depth findings from a comprehensive five-year data review.
DC schemes are rapidly gathering assets, but many of them still mostly have young members. Against this backdrop, mallowstreet, in partnership with Milliman, conducted a survey of 22 DC schemes and master trusts in Q1 2022, representing a total of £65bn in assets. The goal was to gauge industry support for the development of drawdown solutions offering a sustainable level of income, and what an optimal offering could potentially look like. This flash report presents our findings.
Insights is our Research solution for the industry. It allows trustees to stay one step ahead, extensively equipping them to fulfil their jobs and responsibilities. Our reports and findings are the best way to keep up to date on what their peers are thinking and doing – and crucially, where the industry is headed.
Insights also provides pivotal input to asset managers. Our research proactively challenges and improves their understanding of the pension industry, so that they can develop and deliver the solutions that are needed to help create a better retirement for everyone.
mallowstreet Insights embodies independence, integrity and research rigor.