SAB publishes information for Code of Transparency questions

Image: janeke88/Pixabay

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The Local Government Pension Scheme Advisory Board has published supporting information to help funds write responses to its questionnaire around the Code of Transparency data system.

Responses should be emailed to by 6 August. 

The Scheme Advisory Board launched an early market engagement exercise on 28 June to explore the potential future iterations of the Code of Transparency data system, which was first launched in 2020.  

As part of this, a ‘meet the buyer event’ was held on 10 July which prompted the SAB to publish the supporting information. 

This reveals that of 167 signatories to the code, 118 use the compliance system. In July, the system there were about 13,000 templates on the system, with around 3,000 uploaded per year. The largest proportion of these are for unlisted equities. 

Will your fund respond to the SAB’s questions? 

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