New MMMM video stars Benedict ‘Lumberjack’

Image: MMMM

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Benedict Cumberbatch features as arch-baddy Benedict Lumberjack in the latest short by campaign group Make My Money Matter. The British film star plays a ruthless chief executive who destroys the rainforest for profit – with the help of pension savers’ money.

The star of ‘The imitation game’ and ‘Avengers’ is not melting hearts this time but burning forests as he calls on pension savers to continue investing in his forest-destroying company.

"Keep your pension cash pouring in and we’ll keep the fires of profit burning,” CEO Lumberjack tells viewers in the video as he sits in a sauna seemingly heated by forest fires.

MMMM seeks to raise awareness of the role pension investments can play in climate change and deforestation and to encourage savers and trustees to invest responsibly.

Two years ago, the campaign group set up by filmmaker Richard Curtis released a study with systems change firm Systemiq and deforestation charity Global Canopy which found that average defined contribution pension savers in the UK hold 20% of their investments in businesses with high deforestation risk. It claims that two-thirds of the largest pension providers have not published a policy to tackle deforestation.

The video with Cumberbatch follows a similar one last year with actor Olivia Colman – ‘Oblivia Coalmine’ – who played an executive in the fossil fuel industry. In 2021, Peep Show’s Robert Webb and 'Ghosts' actor Lolly Adefope featured as ‘Desmond and Susan’ in a series of short videos.

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