mallowstreet University Dinner: The smart approach to investing in emerging markets

The Rohatyn Group are pleased to be hosting their latest mallowstreet University Dinner. Over dinner Philippe L'Equilbec, Managing Director, will be discussing the reasons why many are turning to investing in emerging markets along with the questions that need to be asked when investing in a challenging environment. 

With developed market bond yields near zero, institutional investors are still turning to emerging markets debt for higher yields. The outlook for emerging markets assets has significantly improved over the past few months. Emerging markets local debt in particular has outperformed other EM asset classes, as some of the headwinds that hampered performance over the past few years are turning into tailwinds.

That said, the challenging environment has promoted a number of questions from investors, including:

1. Is this the right time for Emerging Markets?

2. How will US Rate hikes effect Emerging Markets?

3. What is the outlook/opportunity set for Emerging Market Debt in 2016/2017?

This University Dinner is exclusively for Trustees and Pension Fund Decision Makers, and is eligible for CPD credits.
