mallowstreet University: Fixed Income Educational Drive In

Fixed Income and Credit have traditionally been a staple in most pension fund portfolios. As pension funds intensify their hunt for yield, they are now exploring new areas in the credit spectrum.

At this Drive In, delegates will break into small groups and hear from four expert managers who will share their insights into the markets, and explain some of the opportunities that exist to help pension funds access a higher yield, ultimately helping to close deficits.



  1. Registration, Tea and Coffee

  2. Welcome Address and Introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  3. Rotating Intensive Workshop I

    Vontobel | Emerging Market Debt: 7 Reasons to Consider Investing
  4. Rotating Intensive Workshop II

    Insight Investment | Secured Multi-Asset Credit Investing
  5. Break

    Coffee, Tea and Networking
  6. Rotating Intensive Workshop III

    Axiom Alternative Investments | Legacy Bonds – Capturing Value Outside Cocos
  7. Rotating Intensive Workshop IV

    mallowstreet | Understanding Investor Concerns
  8. Lunch and Networking

  9. End