mallowstreet University: Sustainability and Responsible Investment Educational Workshop

Sustainability, Responsible Investment, and ESG have been moving up the agenda for many pension funds, and started appearing in the top 10 monthly search terms on

At this morning workshop, we are bringing together a cross section of the mallowstreet community for an interactive event. We will address a number of points:

• What the community thinks about the current state of sustainability data and its integration (or lack thereof) into pension fund investment decisions?

• Is it fine as it is? If not, what's missing or could/should be done differently?

• What are the key barriers to be overcome?

• Do trustees and members even care?

• How do we get more people to join the conversation?

Join us for what will be a highly educational and very focused morning.



  1. Registration, Tea and Coffee

  2. Welcome address and introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  3. Mainstreaming ESG: How Integrating sustainability analysis into investment decisions leads to better solutions for Institutional Investors | UBS Asset Management

    Christopher Greenwald, Head of Sustainable Investment Research. Sustainability analysis helps to identify companies that are both attractively valued and which integrate ESG factors in their business model to build a competitive advantage. In this session, we will explore the following questions.• Why is it important to integrate ESG to consider both financial and non-financial aspects of a company?• What are the barriers in terms of data sources and how to adjust for them by combining sustainability data from various sources? • How can asset managers collaborate with clients to combine their sustainability and financial requirements? • How do Trustees measure success both impact and financial returns?
  4. Bridging the gap between theory and practice in Sustainability investing | Robeco Asset Management

    Masja Zandbergen, Head of ESG integration Many institutional investors have implemented ESG investing in their portfolios in some form or another. What are the best-practice approaches that we see from our clients and how do we bridge the gap from theory to practice? a. What does ESG integration add to traditional equity strategies: analysis on three years of integrating ESG in equity portfolio’s b. The pro’s and cons of environmental footprinting. How do you apply this to a portfolio? c. Case study: Pension fund moving from a passive strategy to enhanced indexing with a firm climate ambition d. 6 ways to increase sustainability in credit portfolio’s.
  5. Trustee and Consultant Panel Discussion | mallowstreet

    Stuart Breyer, CEO
  6. Morning tea, coffee and networking

  7. End