mallowstreet University Investment Focus: Opportunities in Emerging Markets

Emerging Markets posted very strong performance in 2017. But the question is, will the performance continue this year and in years to come? With many pension funds now closely examining the asset class, now is an important time to make sure that investors are aware of the full breadth of opportunities available and how to manage the associated risks with investing in emerging markets.

At this morning workshop, we are bringing together four world-class managers to share their latest insights and expertise on investing in emerging markets. Attendees will have the chance to ask questions and discuss the topics further in intimate, round-table sessions. Register your interest for this event today.



  1. Registration, tea and coffee

  2. Welcome address & introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  3. Rotating Investment Masterclass I: Emerging Market Equities: Opportunities in an Economic Up-Cycle | UBS Asset Management

    UBS will explore the current economic cycle for Emerging Markets. We will highlight the changing face of Emerging Markets, in particular, how returns are increasingly domestically driven and touch upon how China is transforming its economy and creating investment opportunities.
  4. Rotating Investment Masterclass II: Global Emerging Markets: Further to run? | Artemis Fund Managers

    Emerging markets have enjoyed another exceptional year helped by improving economic data, resilient currencies and a more positive outlook for earnings. We remain mindful of the challenges that could face emerging markets in 2018. First, China’s attempts to address risks in the financial system could have an impact on global growth. Second, central banks in developed markets will continue to normalise monetary policy. Third, geopolitical risks seem likely to dominate the headlines, with unpredictable consequences for sentiment. Yet there are good reasons to believe that emerging market equities may continue to be fuelled by the synchronised global economic recovery. Raheel Altaf, portfolio manager of the Artemis Global Emerging Markets strategy will discuss the opportunities and challenges facing investors in 2018.
  5. Coffee, tea, and networking

  6. Rotating Investment Masterclass III: Seeking rewards and controlling risks in emerging market equities | MFS Investment Management

    Pension funds interest in investing in dedicated emerging market equities continues to increase on higher expected future returns and attractive valuations compared to many developed markets. Given the volatility of this asset class, however, making such an allocation can consume a meaningful portion of a pension funds’ risk budget. In this session, Nicholas Paul will discuss how using a targeted active risk approach and adding quantitative inputs can mitigate some emerging market equity volatility whilst maintaining opportunities to improve long-term risk-adjusted returns.
  7. Rotating Investment Masterclass IV: The Value of Emerging Markets | Lazard Asset Management

    As the world recovers, so have equity valuations around the world. However, companies in the developing world continue to trade at a deep discount to developed markets despite their stronger returns on equity and greater leverage to a global recovery. The sheer size and diversity of the emerging markets universe means that return expectations will differ widely depending on an investor’s chosen investment strategy. Therefore, we believe that despite a generally positive outlook, it is important to select an investment style and strategy that is disciplined, well understood, and proven in order to best achieve a specified outcome. James Donald is one of the world's most significant emerging market investors, and presides over $60 billion of investments in this asset class at Lazard Asset Management as at 30 June 2017. James will give an overview of the factors shaping our thinking, and will talk about his current portfolio positioning.
  8. Lunch and networking

  9. End