mallowstreet Investment Focus: Opportunities in Emerging Markets

Emerging Markets posted very strong performance in the past few years. But the question is, will the performance continue this year and in years to come? With many pension funds now closely examining the asset class, now is an important time to make sure that investors are aware of the full breadth of opportunities available and how to manage the associated risks with investing in emerging markets.

At this morning workshop, we are bringing together four world-class managers to share their latest insights and expertise on investing in emerging markets. Attendees will have the chance to ask questions and discuss the topics further in intimate, round-table sessions. Register your interest for this event today.



  1. Registration, Tea and Coffee

  2. Welcome Address & Introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowstreet
  3. Rotating Investment Masterclass I: Thinking Strategically about Emerging Markets | Raheel Altaf, Portfolio Manager | Artemis Fund Managers

    Emerging markets corrected in 2018 as rising bond yields, weaker currencies, the start of a trade war and an economic slowdown weighed on the asset class. Whilst the long-term growth prospects in EM remain compelling, fears about the short-term impact of a trade war and a regime change in monetary policies have lowered valuations to attractive levels. Raheel Altaf, portfolio manager of the Artemis Global Emerging Markets strategy will discuss the opportunities and challenges facing investors in 2019.


    Raheel Altaf, Portfolio Manager

  4. Rotating Investment Masterclass II: A differentiated approach to capturing the expected recovery in Emerging markets | American Century Investments

    While the global backdrop may continue to be challenging in 2019, emerging markets are on the path to recovery. Domestic stories in emerging markets continue to matter. Emerging markets stand to benefit from positive demographic tailwinds that can not only support superior growth, but reshape spending patterns across the global economy. While EM companies will benefit from these trends, investors will do well to pay attention to the unevenness of growth across the asset class. At American Century, we believe our focus on earnings acceleration can help investors capture the opportunities in this ever-changing asset class.


    Patricia Ribeiro, Senior Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager

  5. Tea, Coffee and Networking

  6. Rotating Investment Masterclass III: Emerging Markets Debt—Beyond the Comfort Zone | PGIM Fixed Income

    Emerging markets corporate and quasi-sovereign bonds can offer attractive, well diversified investment opportunities and typically yield more than similarly-rated developed market bonds and emerging markets sovereign bonds. In this roundtable, PGIM Fixed Income’s Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio Manager, Mark Thurgood, will review market fundamentals, highlight current trends, and explore techniques to uncover relative value.


    Mark Thurgood, Principal & Emerging Markets Corporate Portfolio Manager

  7. Rotating Investment Masterclass IV: Emerging Market Debt: Should it be part of your strategic allocation? | Katrina Uzun, Institutional Portfolio Manager | MFS Investment Management

    As a large and growing segment of the global fixed income universe, emerging markets debt is too significant for investors to ignore. Higher yield and a favorable risk-adjusted return profile, improving fundamentals in many emerging markets and the diversification potential that the market offers make a compelling case for a long term strategic allocation. In this session, Katrina Uzun (Institutional Portfolio Manager, MFS) will cover the evolution of EMD as an asset class, where an EMD allocation can fit within pension scheme portfolios and why a flexible approach may be the key to unlocking alpha opportunities.


    Katrina Uzun, Institutional Portfolio Manager

  8. Lunch and Networking

  9. End