mallowstreet DB Indaba


Delegates are expected to attend the full event. We do understand that this is a time commitment in diaries. Please do let us know if you need to step away for a call/meeting and we shall adjust your personal agenda.

The Defined Benefit Indaba* will bring together some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations. These will be interspersed with five Investment Masterclass breakout sessions which will cover key asset classes and investment opportunities, specifically tailored for defined benefit pension funds.

Confirmed investment masterclass topics include:

AllianceBernstein – ‘The Case for Investing in ESG “Offenders”’

Capital Fund Management (CFM) – ‘Dealing with Crises by Building Robust and Liquid Portfolios’

Eaton Vance - ‘Casting the Widest Net in Emerging Markets Debt’

Invesco - ‘Investing in Hotels for Long-Dated Contractual Incomes’

M&G Investments - ‘Fixed Income – A World of Uncertainty’

*An indaba (pronounced in-dar-bah) is an important conference held by the izinDuna (principal men) of the Zulu or Xhosa people. The term comes from a Zulu language word meaning "business" or "matter".

The DB Indaba is available for CPD accreditation by the Pensions Management Institute and is exclusively for pension funds and their advisors.



  1. Registration and Breakfast

  2. Welcome Address

    An overview of the conference, speakers, and key themes for the Indaba.


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-Founder of mallowstreet

  3. The Stupidity Paradox

    Why do smart people do stupid things at work? In this speech, André will look at why intelligent employees in knowledge intensive firms can end up not using their intellect. He will explore what the results of this kind of corporate stupidity is for professionals as well as the companies they work for. Finally, he considers what firms can do to ensure their employees are able to use their intelligence at work.


    Andre Spicer

  4. Investment Masterclass I

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions
  5. Coffee and Networking

  6. Investment Masterclass II

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions
  7. Fear and Loathing in Westminster

    More than two years after the EU referendum, the political landscape in Britain remains dominated by Brexit, and the impact of this country leaving the European Union may be felt for generations to come. The Brexit deadline is rapidly approaching and with a new general election, potentially at least one new political party, a second referendum and multiple changes of leader all possible in the next 12 months, British politics has rarely been quite so uncertain. Joe will be looking at what has happened, what could happen next and ask the all-important question: is anyone still paying attention?


    Joe Twyman

  8. Investment Masterclass III

  9. Lunch and Networking

  10. The Mind is Flat

    We all like to think we have a rich inner life. Most of us assume that our beliefs and desires arise from murky mental depths of our minds. Perhaps if only we penetrate this mysterious world, we could truly understand ourselves. Nick shows how the latest research in perception, cognition and neuroscience, reveals that the very idea of hidden mental depths is a myth. The brain is, instead, a masterful improviser, inventing our ideas, motives and thoughts in the moment. This explains why our supposedly firm political beliefs, personal preferences and even our romantic attractions are so often inconsistent and unstable.


    Nick Chater

  11. Investment Masterclass IV

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions
  12. Coffee and Networking

  13. Investment Masterclass V

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions
  14. Adventures in Space

    As a high-altitude mountaineer Suzie has climbed some of the most remote mountains on the planet. Bringing together her love of mountaineering and space science, Suzie developed new code to identify all of the mountains in the Andes – every year she sets off to climb these remote, un-climbed and un-named mountains. This combination of exploration and science led her to apply for the BBC series Astronaut: Do You Have What it Takes? – a show she ultimately won. Suzie will discuss her journey to becoming a space scientist, her learnings on resilience, risk, teamwork, and how - over the next decade - advances in the space industry will change our everyday lives.


    Suzie Imber

  15. Closing Remarks


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu

  16. Drinks

  17. End