Yi Shen CEO 20 years of market experience.
Team leader of US ETF prop trading group at Goldman Sachs.
Founder of Goldman Sachs Group ETF team in Europe.
Global market maker for Barclays I-Shares.
Manager of Millennium Management, the world's top market-neutral hedge fund.
Trading experience in multiple global markets.
Provided investment advisory services to Chinese enterprises since 2004.
PHD in Physics-Fluid Mechanics; MS in Financial Markets and Trading.
Eric Tsang COO 20 years of investment management experience.
COO for Quantitative Investment Strategies at Goldman Sachs Asset Management Co. ($100 billion).
Global Technology Manager for Portfolio Trading Group at Goldman Sachs, London.
Global Technology Manager at FICC division at Goldman Sachs, London.
Technology Manager at Merrill Lynch London.
Established network at major exchanges, banks and financial service companies.
Extensive experience managing front, middle and back office teams.