Culture in Investment Management

There is sufficient empirical evidence to support the view that good culture leads to greater investor returns, higher employee engagement, and a better client experience. Over the course of the morning, we will examine the following question: what does good culture look like and why is it important to investors?

We will hear from an excellent group of keynote speakers including Tim McEwan (Leadership Expert), Colin Stewart (Citibank UK), Emily Bate and Claire Harcup (Quietroom) and also have the opportunity to discuss as a group what this means to our pension fund, and more broadly, our industry.

Spaces are strictly limited.



  1. Registration and Light Breakfast

  2. Welcome Address

    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-Founder of mallowstreet provides an overview of the Inaugural Culture in Investment Management Conference.


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, mallowstreet

  3. Leadership in All its Forms

    Culture and leadership are inextricably linked. Whether that is formal leadership from ‘the top’ or great informal leadership shown by those right across the business. Wherever it comes from leadership shapes culture. In this session we will explore how creating the appropriate balance in leadership is critical and how the ‘one size fits all’ approach just doesn’t work anymore (and probably never did) – so what are leaders doing today to shape culture? Tim McEwan is a culture and leadership advisor and mentor to numerous individuals and organisations. He is a Fellow in Management Practice at the University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School, and a former British Army officer.


    Tim McEwan

  4. Delivering Change: A Case Study

    Colin will share his experience with the Citibank UK Pension Fund, and how building a diverse board of trustees has improved their performance of managing the pension fund.


    Colin Stewart, Citibank UK Pension Fund

  5. Tea, Coffee and Networking

  6. How language makes and breaks culture

    Emily and Claire will examine how the words we choose can support a dynamic and healthy culture within an organisation and a wider ecosystem.


    Emily Bate & Claire Harcup, Quietroom

  7. Table and Group Discussion: How do I Apply what I Have Learned?

    A collaborative session where delegates will discuss some of the key industry themes raised over the course of the morning.


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu and Stuart Breyer, mallowstreet

  8. Closing Remarks


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, mallowstreet

  9. Lunch and Networking

  10. End