mallowstreet Digital DC Indaba 2020


Delegates are expected to attend the full event. We do understand that this is a time commitment in diaries. Please do let us know if you need to step away for a call/meeting and we shall adjust your personal agenda.

The Digital Defined Contribution Indaba is a chance for senior figures from the UK’s largest DC pension funds to discuss key asset classes and investment opportunities for 2020 and beyond.

You will hear from a selection of keynote speakers and take part in four interactive Investment Masterclass breakout sessions specifically tailored for defined contribution pension funds.

The DC Indaba is available for CPD accreditation by the Pensions Management Institute and is exclusively for DC pension funds.

This event is FREE to attend.

*An Indaba (pronounced in-dar-bah) is an important conference held by the izinDuna (or, great leaders) of the Zulu People. The term comes from a Zulu word meaning “business” or “matter”.

Given the current uncertainty regarding Covid-19, we have been monitoring the situation closely and have decided to move this event online. The DC Indaba will now take place online via a ‘Zoom’ meeting (a widely used webcast meeting provider). We will provide further information, including an access link and password, to all attendees in advance of the Indaba.



  1. Login and tech check

  2. Welcome Address

    An overview of the conference, speakers and key themes for the DC Indaba.


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder, mallowstreet

  3. Pandemic by Numbers: How we Got Here and What Happens Next

    This is not the first time that a deadly virus has swept across the globe. But it is the first time that the humans have been able to fight back. This is a battle where data and mathematics are among our most powerful weapons. In 2017, as part of a televised project with the BBC, our group of mathematicians ran a simulation of what would happen if a flu like epidemic swept through the UK. In this session I’ll show you just how eerily accurate the predictions always were, and how the data collected from that gamified experiment has gone on to make a big difference to the current planning. I’ll take you through the most important data we have on the current outbreak and highlight some of the subtle patterns that are easy to miss. I’ll demonstrate how the modelling works in detail, allowing you to see in numbers the impact (and knock-on effects) of various interventions, underlining in no uncertain terms the difficult choices we currently face.


    Dr Hannah Fry

  4. Break

  5. Investment Masterclass I: Hosted by: Jupiter Asset Management, Scottish Widows and Wellington Management

    Delegates split into four Investment Masterclass sessions.
  6. Break

  7. Investment Masterclass II: Hosted by: Jupiter Asset Management, Scottish Widows and Wellington Management

    Delegates split into four Investment Masterclass sessions.
  8. Break

  9. Tobacco, Sustainable Finance and Global Health

    Dr Rachel Melsom will share her insights from working on the ward and explore the possible links between Tobacco and Coronavirus. Followed by 10 minutes of interactive Q&A


    Dr Rachel Melsom, Tobacco Free Portfolios

  10. Lunch

  11. Ten Top Tips for Talking to Members in Tough Times

    When people are worried, they often choose anecdotes and reassurance over truth and proof. How can we build trust with our members and make sure we’re the source of information they turn to? How can we help people make good choices about an uncertain future? And how can we make sure we’re not handing them over to the charlatans? I’ll share some broad approaches and some practical tips for helping members through tough times.


    Vincent Franklin, Co-founder, Quietroom

  12. Break

  13. Investment Masterclass III: Hosted by: Jupiter Asset Management, Scottish Widows and Wellington Management

    Delegates split into four Investment Masterclass sessions.
  14. Break

  15. Investment Masterclass IV: Hosted by: Jupiter Asset Management, Scottish Widows and Wellington Management

    Delegates split into four Investment Masterclass sessions.
  16. Break

  17. DC Pension Scheme Q&A Panel Session

    Panel: Philip Smith, Director of Defined Contribution, TPT Retirement Solutions Colin Stewart, Chairman, Citigroup Pensions


    Chaired by: Victoria Panormo, Senior DC Investment Consultant, Hymans Robertson

  18. Closing Remarks


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder, mallowstreet

  19. End