mallowstreet Natural Capital Indaba


Delegates are expected to attend the full event. We do understand that this is a time commitment in diaries. Please do let us know if you need to step away for a call/meeting and we shall adjust your personal agenda.

The mallowstreet Natural Capital Indaba* will be asking key questions surrounding the topic and examining the key requirements needed to be considered 'Natural Capital focused'. We will be joined by some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations and world classes asset managers at the Investment Masterclasses.

This event is FREE to attend for investment decision makers and their advisers and is accredited for CPD points by the Pensions Management Institute (PMI).

*An Indaba (pronounced in-dar-bah) is an important conference held by the izinDuna (principal people) of the Zulu or Xhosa people. The term comes from a Zulu language word meaning "business" or "matter".



  1. Registration & Breakfast

  2. Welcome Address


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder of mallowstreet

  3. Is it too Late to Rebalance the Earth?

    It is no longer a surprise that the earth is warming, or that we're now losing more species a year than the natural extinction rate (the rate of extinction if humans were not around).

    But what is surprising is that we are still within an increasingly small window to turn this around. It is not too late. In the next decade, Rebalance Earth's goal is to offset over a gigatonne of carbon through nature-based solutions, protecting and improving biodiversity and generating daily income for millions worldwide. In this talk, we'll hear how we can play a crucial role in the long-term health of the planet whilst generating economical returns.


    Rob Gardner, Rebalance Earth

  4. Session Transition

  5. Investment Masterclass I

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.

  6. Tea, Coffee & Networking

  7. Investment Masterclass II

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.

  8. Session Transition

  9. Expert Panel Discussion and Q&A


    Nick Spencer, Gordian Advice

    Lucy Tusa, Mercer 

    Andy Dickson, Aegon


    Chaired by Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, mallowstreet

  10. Lunch and Networking

  11. The Investment Case for Natural Capital - Risks, Return and Restoration

    With natural capital no longer being the elephant in the room, Jordan will be discussing the risks and opportunities that pension schemes are exposed to in this area.


    He will be discussing both the policy risks and physical risks of natural capital and biodiversity loss, as well as the investment opportunities that may present themselves in this area.


    He will be taking a holistic view of how natural capital can either compromise and / or complement a pension scheme’s other ESG risks and opportunities (such as climate change) and wider risks and opportunities (such as liquidity and cash flow needs).


    Finally, he will be providing insights into how pension scheme trustees can prepare to monitor, manage and mitigate against such risks, whilst also capturing opportunities.


    Jordan Griffiths, Barnett Wadingham

  12. Session Transition

  13. Investment Masterclass III

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.

  14. Tea, Coffee & Networking

  15. A Fireside Chat with Mark Thompson

    With over 35 years of pensions experience, Mark has witnessed many changes to the investment arena. But arguably none so swift and so focused as that of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG). In this session we will discuss why leaving a viable planet for our grandchildren should be more than just a personal concern for everyone 

    We'll look at biodiversity loss and how this can be addressed to the betterment of not just our planet but also our pension portfolios. It is estimated that around half the world’s GDP is dependent on nature.


    Mark Thompson, Independent Trustee with Dawid Konotey-Ahulu

  16. Closing Remarks


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder of mallowstreet

  17. Drinks & Networking

  18. End