mallowstreet University Digital Investment Focus: Impact Investing

It is safe to say that 2020 has been a year of extremes, from climate change disasters such as those seen with the Australian wildfires to a cruel pandemic raging through populations, made even worse for societies where there is little left to lose. With headlines such as these, it is impossible to ignore the responsibilities pension funds face when considering an allocation. Impact Investing is certainly at the front of mind, how can we deliver meaningful change whilst also seeking a return.

Over the course of the morning, we will bring together two world-class managers to share their latest insights and expertise on impact investing. Attendees will have the chance to ask questions and discuss the topics further in two intimate sessions.

This event is FREE to attend for investment decision makers and their advisers and is available for CPD accreditation.



  1. Login & Access Meeting

    The Investment Focus will take place online via a ‘Zoom’ meeting (a widely used webcast meeting provider). We will provide further information, including an access link and password, to all attendees in advance of the event.
  2. Welcome & Introductions

  3. Rotating Investment Masterclass I - Nature is Capital: Natural Capital as an Investment Theme

    HSBC Global Asset Management have entered into a joint venture called HSBC Pollination Climate Asset Management. In our masterclass, we will provide an educational session on investing in natural capital with a focus on what it is and how it is developing, how to access the opportunity and the benefits for asset owners whilst also providing a demonstration of example investment case studies.


    Sandra Carlisle, Head of Responsible Investment Specialist, HSBC Global Asset Management

  4. Break

  5. Rotating Investment Masterclass II - Health Care Impact Investing: Doing Well While Doing Good

    COVID-19 has increased investors’ attention on health care innovation and the financial opportunities that often result. However, current health care challenges extend well beyond the headlines on vaccines, and include the need to address genetic diseases, reduce costs, and improve access to medical solutions. Richard Adams, Senior Investment Director, will explain how an impact-driven approach can not only address these pressing issues, but can also bring financial opportunities that may enhance returns and bring portfolio construction benefits.


    Richard Adams, Senior Investment Director, American Century Investments

  6. Questions and Close of Investment Focus

  7. End