mallowstreet Digital CDI Indaba


Delegates are expected to attend the full event. We do understand that this is a time commitment in diaries. Please do let us know if you need to step away for a call/meeting and we shall adjust your personal agenda.

The mallowstreet Digital CDI Indaba* will bring together some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations. These will be interspersed with three Investment Masterclass sessions.

The Indaba is available for CPD accreditation by the Pensions Management Institute and is exclusively for pension funds and their advisers.

*An Indaba (pronounced in-dar-bah) is an important conference held by the izinDuna (principal people) of the Zulu or Xhosa people. The term comes from a Zulu language word meaning "business" or "matter".



  1. Login & Tech Check

    Welcome to the Digital Indaba, join your fellow delegates to say “Hi” and check your technology before the Indaba gets underway.
  2. Welcome Address

    Dawid provides an overview of the Digital CDI Indaba, speakers and key themes.


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder of mallowstreet

  3. CDI: Key Principles and Recent Trends

    What is CDI and why is it useful? There are many different flavours of CDI, in terms of the choice of assets, the portfolio return target, and the end game destination – this session will introduce some key principles that investors should consider when setting a CDI strategy for their circumstances. We will also explore the lessons of 2020 by looking at how well these supposedly low-risk portfolios held up through unusually volatile conditions.


    Lok Ma, Solutions Specialist, Willis Towers Watson

  4. Session Transition

  5. Investment Masterclass I

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions.
  6. Refreshment Break

  7. Going For Growth

    The pandemic hit the global economy hard in 2020, with the UK economy shrinking by around a tenth. Britain’s economic problems pre-date the pandemic, however. For example, productivity and pay growth have been almost stagnant since the global financial crisis. How can the UK and the world get back to growth? Moreover, how can this be done sustainably - to deal with climate change - and equitably – to make a plan politically viable. Pulling together the lessons of 30 years of work on technology, management and productivity, John will analyse how we got here, and how we can get out. He will argue that innovation and diffusion are the keys to rekindling our economies and defend the idea that a focus on growth should be central to our plans to re-build and renew.


    Professor John Van Reenen, Ronald Coase School Professor, London School of Economics

  8. Session Transition

  9. Investment Masterclass II

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions.
  10. Lunch

    Bring your plate and join us in our virtual lunchroom for a networking break.
  11. Considerations from the Consultant Corner

    CDI is an important building block for the management and payment of long term pension liabilities. This presentation will consider three areas of immediate concern: the impact of current economic risk on CDI, and the challenges of a possible regime change; the need to embed ESG within CDI; and the opportunity for CDI within DC pensions.


    Nick Horsfall, Managing Director, Redington

  12. Session Transition

  13. Investment Masterclass III

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions.
  14. Refreshment Break

  15. Expert Panel Discussion

    Panellists: Ben Gold, XPS Pensions Group; Nadeem Ladha, 2020 Trustees & Natalie Winterfrost, Law Debenture
  16. Closing Remarks

  17. End