mallowstreet University Digital Roadshow: Dublin

During this morning online workshop, delegates will break into two rotating Investment Masterclasses to hear the latest from some forward-thinking asset managers. We will examine some of the key questions trustees should be focusing on in the current environment, new tools to evaluate risk, and where to find return.

This event is FREE to attend for investment decision makers and their advisers, and is available for CPD accreditation.



  1. Login & Access Meeting

    The Roadshow will take place online via a ‘Zoom’ meeting (a widely used webcast meeting provider). We will provide further information, including an access link and password, to all attendees in advance of the event.
  2. Welcome & Introductions

  3. Rotating Investment Masterclass I: Investing in Social Infrastructure: A Dual-Return Opportunity

    Social infrastructure is real estate that maintains and strengthens social services, for example: healthcare, education and other civic facilities and social housing. Such projects were once the sole province of European governments, but funding gaps and rising demand have left a multibillion-euro shortfall. There is now an opportunity for institutional investors to participate in the social infrastructure sector and potentially make a dual return: long-term stable, inflation-linked cashflows as well as the impact return of social and environmental benefits to communities.


    Louise Evans, Head of Asset Management, Franklin Real Asset Advisors

  4. Refreshment Break

  5. Rotating Investment Masterclass II: China - Is it Past its Peak or is it Starting on a New Growth Phase?

    We hear a lot about China every day, be it US/China trade wars, or being conscious that many consumer goods that we use every day are made in China. But not many of us invest there, and certainly not many of us invest directly. This presentation is to provide an introduction to the modern day aspects of this vast continent and vast economy; where growth is coming from and what is driving productivity, the impact of urbanisation, the level of education in the country, the investment in R&D, and where the opportunities lie, and finally how the ability to invest in their domestic equity market has opened up to investors.


    Stephen Kam, Head of Product Management, Asia ex Japan Equities, Schroders

  6. Questions and Close of Roadshow

  7. End