mallowstreet University Dinner: Using Illiquid Credit in Emerging Markets to Address Long-term Investment Goals

Institutional investors have increasingly turned to illiquid and private credit strategies, initially in the US followed by Europe, as an attractive alternative to raise portfolio yields and lower volatility. However, even this avenue has shown its limitations – lower yields continue to put pressure on target returns, exacerbated by large amounts of dry powder competing for attractive investments and forcing many of these strategies to reach further down the credit curve.


We propose that investors should consider selectively broadening their geographical remit beyond the traditional developed market (DM) regions, just as they do in their public market portfolios. We hope to demonstrate that a broader geographical approach would enable long-term investors to access a compelling and largely untapped opportunity set of high quality Emerging Markets (EM) illiquid credit investments that can offer a meaningful boost to returns and lower duration: all without increasing underlying risk.

This evening session is accredited for CPD points by the Pensions Management Institute (PMI) and is exclusively for pension fund decision makers and their advisers.



  1. Guest Arrival & Welcome Drinks

  2. Seated for Dinner

  3. Dinner Served followed by Presentation and Discussion

    In this presentation, the team from BlueBay Asset Management hope to demonstrate that a broader geographical approach would enable long-term investors to access a compelling and largely untapped opportunity set of high quality EM illiquid credit investments that can offer a meaningful boost to returns and lower duration: all without increasing underlying risk.
  4. End