mallowstreet Insurance Indaba


Delegates are expected to attend the full event. We do understand that this is a time commitment in diaries. Please do let us know if you need to step away for a call/meeting and we shall adjust your personal agenda.

This year, we are hosting our inaugural mallowstreet Insurance Indaba*, bringing together some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations. These will be interspersed with four Investment Masterclass sessions, hosted by world-class asset managers, who will share how they manage portfolios, make decisions, view the investment landscape, and generate returns in a Solvency II regulatory environment.

This event is FREE to attend for investment decision makers and their advisers, and is accredited for CPD points by the Pensions Management Institute (PMI).


*An Indaba (pronounced in-dar-bah) is an important conference held by the izinDuna (principal people) of the Zulu or Xhosa people. The term comes from a Zulu language word meaning "business" or "matter".



  1. Registration and Breakfast

  2. Welcome Address

    Dawid provides an overview of the day, speakers, and key themes for the Indaba.


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder of mallowstreet

  3. Geopolitical Risk in a Multi-Polar World

    We live in the interim period between two bi-polar worlds – the Cold War, and the fast-approaching form of cold war between China and the USA. In this period some countries are showing which side they will favour, others are hedging their bets, and a few are using the multi polar dynamic to advance their agendas before the discipline of a bi-polar world kicks in. This presentation looks at the forces pushing and pulling the movements of people and the volatility of regions such as the IndoPacific and the Sahel. A ‘Biden Doctrine’ appears to be slowly emerging – so far it is a nebulous concept, but behind it is the notion that the democratic world can offer developing countries, and others, a viable alternative to China’s increasing dominance in a number of fields.


    Tim Marshall, Journalist, Broadcaster and Author

  4. Session Transition

  5. Investment Masterclass I

    Delegates split into four Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.
  6. Tea, Coffee and Networking

  7. Investment Masterclass II

    Delegates split into four Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.
  8. Session Transition

  9. Insurance CIO Panel Discussion


    Chaired by Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder of mallowstreet

  10. Lunch and Networking

  11. The Future of Medicine

    Humans long for a healthy, long life. In 200 years, we have moved from witchcraft to science and seen the rate of progress accelerate. Whilst some of the biggest changes (materials, science, computing, biochemistry) have been in our lifetime, what is happening now is transformative. In this talk Martin will discuss the impact and potential significance of developments in genomics, immunology, medical devices, drug discovery, cell biology, AI, data science and personalisation of care. All are dependent on easily available, accurate population data. Charlatans have been part of medicine since its inception, damaging its reputation. These new developments must be conceived and shared with transparency to develop and sustain trust from the public and investors. Sorting out the balance between individual privacy and wider public access to data will be critical. This talk aims to make you think about the moral and societal consequences of these changes, as well as marvelling at what is to come.


    Professor Martin Elliott, Speaker, Writer and Surgeon

  12. Session Transition

  13. Investment Masterclass III

    Delegates split into four Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.
  14. Tea, Coffee and Networking

  15. Investment Masterclass IV

    Delegates split into four Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.
  16. Session Transition

  17. What Future Can We Hope For? The Scenarios of the Climate Researchers for the Future of the World

    Much of the media's discussion of the global future is concerned with the worst possible impacts of climate change; it makes sense, we need to be prepared for the worst. But professionals that need to plan for the future need a broader understanding that isn't limited to the very worst aspects of the worst-case-scenarios. They need a perspective on the full breadth of possible futures. One way to see what the future may look like is to rely on the very scenarios that the climate researchers rely on. These scenarios not only tell us about the impact of climate change, but also project how large the world population will become, how prosperous people in different world regions will be, and which changes to our environment we can expect. Max will present the scenarios that underlie the IPCC climate reports, and bring those together with the observed data that shows us how the world has changed up to the present moment. We can then see what the climate researchers expect and compare and contrast it with the data up to the present moment to see the future that we are heading towards. The framework of this talk is to contrast a very negative future – in which humanity largely fails to avoid catastrophic climate change or other possibly existential risks – with a positive future, in which humanity is largely successful in improving health, the environment, and the prosperity of the world population.


    Dr. Max Roser, Founder of Our World in Data and University of Oxford Researcher

  18. Closing Remarks


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder of mallowstreet

  19. Drinks and Networking

  20. End