mallowstreet Defined Contribution Indaba


Delegates are expected to attend the full event. We do understand that this is a time commitment in diaries. Please do let us know if you need to step away for a call/meeting and we shall adjust your personal agenda.

The Defined Contribution Indaba* is a chance for senior figures from the UK’s largest DC pension funds to discuss key asset classes and investment opportunities for 2021 and beyond. You will hear from a selection of keynote speakers and take part in three interactive Investment Masterclass sessions specifically tailored for defined contribution pension funds.

This event is FREE to attend for investment decision makers and their advisers, and is accredited for CPD points by the Pensions Management Institute (PMI).

*An Indaba (pronounced in-dar-bah) is an important conference held by the izinDuna (principal people) of the Zulu or Xhosa people. The term comes from a Zulu language word meaning "business" or "matter".



  1. Registration and Breakfast

  2. Welcome Address

    Dawid provides an overview of the day, speakers, and key themes for the Indaba.


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder of mallowstreet

  3. Evolution or Revolution: Open Finance and the Democratisation of Investing

    Product-centric and siloed solutions are failing members at a time when there is even greater pressure on personal finances. Samantha will explore the idea of ‘Financial Wellness’ and how this enables people to be financially confident and in control, thus leading to greater engagement and increased long-term savings.


    Samantha Seaton, CEO, Moneyhub

  4. Session Transition

  5. Investment Masterclass I

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.
  6. Tea, Coffee, and Networking

  7. Investment Masterclass II

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.
  8. Session Transition

  9. DC Does Not Mean Don’t Care

    In this session, Alan will be covering the importance of good governance in DC land with particular emphasis on the quality of the trustee board. In so doing, he will make the case for a line up which is genuinely diverse in order to ensure that the needs of particular groups of members are adequately met.


    Alan Pickering, CBE, President, BESTrustees

  10. Lunch and Networking

  11. In Conversation with Philip Smith

    TPT is one of the leading workplace pension funds in the UK serving 2,600 organisations, 389,000 members and with £13 billion of assets under management. We will be joined by Philip Smith, DC Director, who will discuss some of his experiences and lessons learned from recent events, and explore how we, as an industry, can move forward.


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu & Philip Smith, Head of Defined Contribution, TPT Retirement Solutions

  12. Session Transition

  13. Investment Masterclass III

    Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions over the course of the Indaba.
  14. Tea, Coffee, and Networking

  15. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: The Regulator’s Perspective

    David will speak about The Pension Regulators Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. He will cover the journey the Regulator is on as an employer and in relation to its Regulated Community.


    David Fairs, Executive Director of Regulatory Policy, Analysis and Advice, the Pensions Regulator

  16. Closing Remarks


    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, Co-founder of mallowstreet

  17. Drinks and Networking

  18. End