How NOT to Get Referrals

With growing competition and more demand on people's wallets, it's becoming harder and harder to win new business. Yet still so many financial services firms leave potential new revenues untapped and unexplored.  

The reason is very simple. Across financial and professional services, referral strategies range from ineffective, to passive, to simply non-existent. A large number of advisors become complacent when it comes to referrals and simply expect them to appear. Networking is still treated as a skill, not a core business strategy. Where referrals strategies do exist they tend to be lazy, poorly timed and ineffective. 

As a result, potential new business and/or investment simply goes elsewhere. 

In this talk, Andy will share with you the key mistakes he sees practiced by so many unsuccessful advisors time and time again, ensuring they don't get anywhere near as many referrals as they should. In the man’s own words “for referrals you need to be more proactive. The service you provide simply lays the groundwork; you have to do the rest.”  
