Jim Barry, Chief Investment Officer of BlackRock's Renewable Power
Group, will give his perspective on this topic.
Click on his photo to find out more about him:
Click on his photo to find out more about him:
Jim Barry Prior to joining BlackRock in 2011, Mr. Barry was Chief Executive of NTR. He led the transformation of NTR from its origins as an Irish toll road developer, through its period as a broad-based Irish utility, into a leading international developer in renewable power and sustainable waste management. During his tenure, Mr. Barry was a director or Chairman of NTRs key subsidiaries, including Wind Capital Group, Greenstar, Green Plains Renewable Energy Inc., Bioverda, Stirling Energy Systems Inc., Tessera Solar, and Airtricity. In particular, he served as Chairman of Airtricity, a leading international wind farm developer, from its formation in November 1999 to its sale in early 2008. Prior to joining NTR, Mr. Barry worked at Bain and Company as a manager and consultant from 1993 to 1998. He began his career in 1989 as a financial analyst in the investment banking division of Morgan Stanley. Mr. Barry earned a BComm degree in management and marketing and management information systems from University College Cork in 1989 and an MBA in strategy and entrepreneurship and finance from Harvard Business School in 1994.