London DC Indaba


Delegates are expected to attend the full event. We do understand that this is a time commitment in diaries. Please do let us know if you need to step away for a call/meeting and we shall adjust your personal agenda.

This one-day event, will host just 18 delegates in an intimate and highly educational format designed to encourage a truly interactive experience with thought leaders and world class managers.

The mallowstreet London DC Indaba*

. When: Tuesday, 19th September 2017

. Where: Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0SU

. Time: 08:30-17:30

Born out of the success of the mallowstreet Summits, the mallowstreet Indaba* will bring together some of the industry's biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations interspersed with five Investment Masterclass breakout sessions which will cover the new investment solutions available for defined contribution plans.

This event is free to attend for Pension Fund Trustees only.

*An indaba (pronounced in-dar-bah) is an important conference held by the izinDuna (principal men) of the Zulu or Xhosa people. The term comes from a Zulu language word meaning "business" or "matter".


  1. Registrations & Breakfast

  2. Welcome Address

    Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, founder of mallowstreet provides an overview of the conference, speakers, and key themes for the Indaba.
  3. Is the UK Ready for a Pension with Purpose

    Hannah Gilbert, ShareAction. The pensions industry has successfully delivered the first phase of auto-enrolment, widening coverage and bringing more than 7.5 million savers into the system. Auto-enrolment harnessed savers’ inertia to opt them in to pension savings. Now the industry needs to switch people on to their responsibility to save enough for their retirement outcomes. Many savers say they want positive investments. Could this be the key to unlocking greater personal ownership of retirement savings? Is the UK ready for a pension with purpose?
  4. Investment Masterclass I

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions covering the new investment solutions available for defined contribution plans.
  5. Morning Tea, Coffee and Networking

  6. The 100 Year Life

    Prof Andrew Scott, Author of The 100 Year Life. Prof Andrew Scott has recently published his latest book The 100 Year Life along with Prof Lynda Gratton. Prof Scott's keynote address will be based upon this book which shows how to rethink your finances, your education, your career and your relationships to create a fulfilling 100 year life. Andrew Scott is Professor of Economics at London Business School, a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford University and the Centre for Economic Policy Research, having previously taught at Harvard and London School of Economics. He has served as an advisor on macroeconomics to a range of governments and central banks and was Non-Executive Director on the UK Financial Services Authority.
  7. Investment Masterclass II

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions covering the new investment solutions available for defined contribution plans.
  8. Robots Are Stealing Our Jobs - What Does This Mean for Pensions?

    David Baker, Former Editor of Wired UK. Technology is killing jobs faster than it is creating them. In 20 years’ time, almost any job we do today will be done better and cheaper by a machine. And, instead of a career, workers will be moving from job to job, finding employment where they can in the few sectors where humans still have an edge on robots. Even retirement may be a thing of the past. In this interactive session, David Baker, a technologist with a particular interest in the future of work, will lay out the challenges of automation – for individuals, the pensions industry, and society as a whole – and ask how we will support ourselves when labour and income have been cornered by machines.
  9. Investment Masterclass III

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions covering the new investment solutions available for defined contribution plans.
  10. Lunch and Networking

  11. Raise the Bar

    Matthew Syed, Author of Bounce and Black Box Thinking. As the world changes, there is one constant truth: only those who adapt can survive. Agility, and a willingness to innovate, are not just useful extras, but central to growth. The great institutions and successful individuals are adaptive for a simple reason: they realise that in a complex world, they don’t already have all the answers. They are therefore not threatened by information about their weaknesses. Indeed, they actively look for them. Growth mindset is the psychological ingredient that underpins such organisations. People in this mindset see success as dynamic in nature. They are less worried about what they know now than about how quickly they learn. Precisely because of this perspective, they look for new information, update their assumptions, and are not afraid of their mistakes. The right psychology is the starting point for all the other things - agility, adaptability, innovation, continuous improvement - that are so important to our future. We need to get away from self-justification and status quo bias - and change the world. Using compelling examples from healthcare, aviation, business, education, sport and the criminal justice system. Matthew Syed will highlight how to implement a growth culture and the difference that that can have on performance - both at an individual and organisational level.
  12. Investment Masterclass IV

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions covering the new investment solutions available for defined contribution plans.
  13. Afternoon Tea, Coffee and Networking

  14. Can we use the social impact of investing to encourage more people to care about pensions?

    Vincent Franklin, Co-Founder and Creative Director, Quietroom. An Edelman research study earlier this year showed that we’re experiencing a total collapse of trust in the institutions which shape our society. In the UK, it’s at an historic low - and in the two-month period between fieldwork starting and ending, the score plunged by 11 percentage points. When Edelman spoke to the people who most felt the system had failed them, 53% said that the best thing businesses could do to win back their trust was to address society’s needs in their everyday business activities. So, there’s an opportunity for sectors and businesses that buck the trend. Looking at examples from inside and outside our industry, Vincent Franklin from Quietroom will look at how making our social purpose explicit, and telling a better ESG story, could encourage more people to join the conversation.
  15. Investment Masterclass V

    Delegates split into five Investment Masterclass sessions covering the new investment solutions available for defined contribution plans.
  16. Choosing the Right Stuff

    Dr Kevin Fong, Consultant in Anaesthesia, University College Hospital (London). How do you choose the right stuff? Is it born or created? Modern systems marry complex risk with state of the art technology but - who should we choose to be part of these teams, and how should we choose them? In Choosing the Right Stuff Kevin looks at elite performance, from astronaut selection and space exploration to his own experience as a doctor flying with one of the UK’s leading Helicopter Emergency Medical Service teams. He looks at how we take potential and put it into practice and outlines the challenges of partnering humans with technology, as well as the lessons we should all learn about our vulnerabilities and strengths within these state of the art systems.
  17. Closing Remarks: Dawid Konotey-Ahulu

  18. Evening Drinks

  19. End