Live Debate: Innovations in Defined Contribution

New rules take effect this year, dramatically altering the Defined Contribution Landscape.  This, combined with continued evolving government policy, is causing significant disruption in the Defined Contribution ecosystem.

The panel will examine current trends and discuss how the investment universe is innovating to adapt to these changes. Some of the questions we will be asking include:

  1. What are the implications, following the recent reforms, for investment strategies for both accumulation and decumulation?

  2. Will the retirement income product set, in 5 years, look very different from that available today

  3. Is there still a role for Annuities?

  4. What future product development can we expect?


The Panel:

•Jonathan Lipkin, Director of Public Policy | The Investment Management Association

•Andy Dickson, Investment Director | Standard Life Investments

•Nigel Aston, Director | State Street Global 


Do you have any specific questions you would like the panel to address?  Click here to post them on the mallowstreet Events page.

We hope you are able to tune in on Thursday, 23 April 2015 at 10 AM for what is shaping up to be a fascinating discussion.
