mallowstreet University Dinner: The Smart Approach To Investing in Emerging Market Debt

The Rohatyn Group (TRG) are hosting their Second Mallowstreet University Workshop as part of the 2015 series of education events.

 With developed market bond yields near zero, institutional investors are still turning to emerging markets debt for higher yields. That said, the challenging environment for emerging markets has promoted a number of questions from investors, including:

  1. What effect will changes in the U.S. Federal Reserve policy and rising interest rates have on emerging market debt, especially given the turbulence during the taper tantrum in 2013?
  2. How will the drop in oil prices along with general commodities affect Emerging Market Debt?
  3. What is the outlook/opportunity set for Emerging Market Debt in 2015?

While growth in emerging markets has been weak, we think the cycle is turning. Moreover, the recent underperformance of emerging-markets local currency debt has certainly led to cheaper valuations. Both of these make a strong case for the asset class going forward.

Despite a challenging investing environment, TRG Rohatyn has performed consistently well vs their peers. In May 2011, we constructed a unique approach to investing in the EMD asset class and have been managing the strategy on a dedicated basis for an Asian Central Bank client since then.  The core of our strategy is a “smart beta” approach to instrument choice, country selection and weightings which offers a number of advantages, including the flexibility to separate alpha and beta decisions as well as currency and interest-rate decisions.



  1. mallowstreet University Dinner

    The Rohatyn Group: The Smart Approach to Investing
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