mallowstreet Live: The Rise and Role of Fiduciary Management for UK pensions

In this month’s live debate we will be looking at the different types of fiduciary management available, through a discussion pitting the pros and cons of Fiduciary management against implemented consulting. We will discuss how schemes can monitor the success of their fiduciary manager and stay informed on developments in the field.

Throughout the morning’s live debate, we will look to answer the following:


  1. What are the benefits of FM?

  2. Is FM suitable for every pension plan?

  3. What factors / criteria should a pension plan bear in mind if it is considering appointing a FM?

  4. What can go wrong with FM?

  5. Does FM have DC application?


With expert contributors from Goldman Sachs and Russell Investments, be sure to join us for what should be a lively debate. 

Do you have a question for our panel?

Email and we will endeavour to answer as many as we can on the day.