mallowstreet University: Defined Contribution Drive In

The Defined Contribution Ecosystem is quickly evolving as new Government policies start to take shape in the industry.

This half day interactive and educational seminar will examine these changes, and Delegates will breakout into interactive workshops with leading managers to gain an understanding of how the investment universe is innovating to adapt to these changes.

The morning will finish with two keynote sessions exploring how the industry is engaging with individual members, and hear from one of the largest UK Defined Contribution Pension Funds.

This educational Drive In is eligible for CPD credits, and is open to trustees and their advisors. 

Register now

Places for this event are strictly limited so please register your attendance to avoid disappointment.



  1. Registration

    Breakfast and Networking
  2. Welcome and Introductions

    Stuart Breyer | Director of mallowstreet
  3. Industry Developments – An Update | John Reeve, Premier

    An update on how the market has evolved, drawing on case studies from large DC funds, what has been successful, what are the pitfalls, and what are the questions Trustees should be considering and asking?
  4. Rotating Intensive Workshop I: Easy to Understand Investment Solutions | Schroders

    This session will examine some of the new investment solutions available for defined contribution pension funds.
  5. Break

    Coffee, Tea and Networking
  6. Rotating Intensive Workshop II: Target Date Funds | Alistair Byrne, State Street Global Advisors

    SSGA will share their latest investment and DC member research covering: • How should default funds evolve to reflect the pensions freedoms? • Should you have one default strategy or different lifecycle paths for members to choose? • How can target date funds help trustees deliver and govern the default strategy?
  7. Communicating with the Members | Quietroom

    Simon Grover | Senior Writer and Workshop Leader at Quietroom
  8. Unravelling Workplace Pensions | Chris Wagstaff, Columbia Threadneedle

    This session will explore the key and emerging DC trends and policy implications from the inaugural edition of The Future Book – Unravelling Workplace Pensions.
  9. Closing Remarks

    Stuart Breyer | Director of mallowstreet
  10. Lunch & Networking

  11. End