mallowstreet University Dinner: Fixed income investing in a low yield environment

With global interest rates still hovering near record lows, many investors are anticipating historically low returns from their traditional fixed-income investments.

Over Dinner, Keith Patton, Director of Multi-Strategy Investments, will lead a discussion outlining how in this uncertain investment environment there are now new opportunities, where global expertise can allow investors to harvest the credit premium, whilst managing curve and interest rate risk through the cycle.

The discussion will also cover how an unconstrained approach avoids the inefficiencies of a benchmarked allocation to fixed income, allowing security selection to focus on where market anomalies exist. In addition, non-traditional techniques, widen the opportunity set and can deliver enhanced risk adjusted returns overtime.

This University Dinner is eligible for CPD credits, and is open to trustees and decision makers.  Places for this event are strictly limited so please register your attendance to avoid disappointment.
