mallowstreet University: Credit Drive In

With Central Bank Monetary Policies having now diverged, Credit continues to be at the top of the agenda for many pension funds. As government bond yields begin to fluctuate across the curve, mallowstreet has gathered together a group of fixed income specialists to review some of the recent developments in both the credit and debt markets and explore their key features.

This half day educational seminar starts with a macroeconomic update followed by an in-depth look at three different opportunities within Credit. We then round off the morning with a diverse panel of consultants and pension funds who will share their experiences of investing in and reviewing this asset class.

This is a FREE event for pension decision makers and their advisors.

Register today

Places for this event are strictly limited so please register your attendance to avoid disappointment.



  1. Registration, Breakfast and Networking

  2. Welcome and Introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO mallowstreet
  3. Overview of the Credit Landscape and the Economic Outlook

    David Hunter, First Avenue Partners LLP
  4. Rotating Workshop I : Annuity-style credit investing for pension schemes, Aviva Investors

    As UK pension schemes continue to mature and de-risk, their investment needs are converging with those of annuities. By adopting a buy-and-maintain annuity-style approach to credit investing, pension schemes and other liability-aware investors can better align their assets and liabilities, reduce reinvestment risks and transaction costs and potentially increase expected returns.
  5. Break

    Coffee, Tea and Networking
  6. Rotating Workshop II : How Pension Funds can use shorter dated assets to bring certainty of returns, TwentyFour Asset Management

    UK Pension Funds have traditionally invested in long dated assets to match long term liabilities. This has led to UK Bond indices becoming some of the riskiest in the world as both Government and Corporates have issued at long end making them highly sensitive to interest rate rises. With interest rates likely to rise eventually and pension fund moving towards flight plans with potential buy-out as the end game are there others ways of investing that can give greater certainty of return? This session will investigate ways of finding consistent and strong income generating assets that have lower levels of historic volatility.
  7. Rotating Workshop III : Examining the Components of Credit Investing, Franklin Templeton Investments

    Loans, high yield, emerging debt, convertibles, investment grade: this session will consider what investment qualities the credit asset classes offer pension schemes – and what value they offer now.
  8. Lunch and Networking

  9. End