mallowstreet University: Defined Contribution Drive In

Fast forward five years and the Institutional Pensions Industry will look drastically different.  The end investor  has more flexibility and choice when approaching retirement than ever before.  But what role should asset managers, consultants and other providers play in this new world?

This half day workshop will examine some of these trends where delegates will hear from leading experts on how investments are evolving, and what the role of the trustee is in this new world.

The Drive-In is eligible for CPD credits, and is open to trustees and their advisors.   


Places for this event are strictly limited so please register your attendance to avoid disappointment.



  1. Registrations, Breakfast and Networking

  2. Welcome and Introductions

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowsteret
  3. Developments in Defined Contribution | Mark Thompson HSBC Pension Fund

    This session will explain some of the innovations that are being implemented by one of the largest UK defined contribution pension fund.
  4. Rotating Intensive Workshop I: Justifying the Investment budget in DC

    Schroders will explore why investment matters, what characteristics it needs to exhibit and how we can go about implementing a robust investment solution.
  5. Coffee, Tea, and Networking

  6. Rotating Intensive Workshop II: Investment solutions for the post freedom and choice world

    How have the needs of DC scheme members changed following the pension freedoms? How will needs evolve as DC becomes the main source of retirement income? How can investment strategies be developed to meet needs now and in the future? In this session SSGA looks at developing investment strategies to address the change in member needs, now and in the future.
  7. DC Re-imagined

    Are pension scheme's fit for purpose? Lydia Fearn from Redington will provide an overview of how a consultancy is approaching defined contribution.
  8. Closing Remarks

    Stuart Breyer, CEO of mallowsteret
  9. Lunch & Networking

  10. End