mallowstreetThe events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries

A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners

Past Events

November 2012

  • Seminar: Focus on Emerging Markets


    HSBC Global Asset Management is delighted to invite you to their third annual UK Institutional Seminar... Focus on Emerging Markets. This year's seminar will feature Lord Hutton, who will share his views on UK Pension Reforms. The seminar will provide a forum for participants to hear from a range of speakers as well as to debate with a panel of experts from the industry on the opportunities in emerging markets.
    Sponsored by
    • HSBC Global Asset Management
  • University Dinner: The New Half Life of Credit Investing - A Portfolio Game Changer


    Oak Hill Advisors will be hosting a mallowstreet University Dinner in the latest installment of these educational events. Scott D. Krase, Senior Partner and Portfolio Manager, will discuss the macro and corporate environments in the US and Europe, and will explain why a nimble rotational strategy should be employed to capture relative value across ever more rapidly changing market conditions. In a period of low growth and sluggish equity markets – but also lower leverage and improved corporate balance sheets – opportunistic investment strategies provide a means for investors to crystallise attractive returns in today’s market environment.
    Sponsored by
    • Oak Hill Advisors
  • University Dinner: Accessing inflation linked returns via Emerging Markets


    The Rohatyn Group (TRG) are hosting their first Mallowstreet University Workshop as part of the 2012 series of education events. Since the financial crisis of 2007, faced with unattractive yields in the developed market, long term investors have been steadily increasing their exposure to what has traditionally been classified as “emerging markets”. To date, exposure to emerging markets has been heavily contained to equities, which in recent years has lead to a roller-coaster ride for investors. However, over the past decade, large geographical sectors of ‘emerging markets’ have strengthen and matured, with good returns available, with minimal volatility, from a wide range of inflation-linked investment opportunities.
    Sponsored by
    • The Rohatyn Group
  • University Dinner: Exposure to Financial Institutions - A New Approach


    Cairn Capital, a specialist credit asset management firm is pleased to be holding a mallowstreet University Dinner on Wednesday 14th November 2012. All investors have exposure to financial institutions, however the most significant component of this obtained via an allocation. The investment grade credit asset class is often given the least attention. In most sterling indices financial institutions represent in excess of a third of all exposure and unlike corporate exposure, there are a range of instruments across the capital structure.
    Sponsored by
    • Cairn Capital
  • Workshop: Taking a Multi-Asset look at Inflation Hedging


    American Century Investments are hosting their second mallowstreet University Workshop as part of the 2012 series of education events. With the concern of inflation being an ever growing risk in the management of pension fund liabilities, we examine how a diversified portfolio of inflation-linked assets can help in the hedging of the problem
    Sponsored by
    • American Century Investments
  • University Dinner: Investing in Skill


    Man GLG, in collaboration with mallowstreet, is pleased to be holding this November Riverbank Dinner in 2012. Simon Savage, Portfolio Manager at GLG Partners, will discuss the following: Human beings have evolved as social animals, built to herd and react – not to be rational and independent. Does this DNA, built over thousands of years of evolution, manifest itself in our investment behaviour and if so, to what extent can that be recognizable, controlled and improved?
    Sponsored by
    • Man GLG