The power of staying on topic 

Pardon the Interruption

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A few weeks ago, we introduced #SOFI scores – a set of metrics designed to help you quantify your effectiveness in meetings. I’ve been looking at my Focus Score. It tells me how much time I’ve spent on the key topics of the meeting. 

While it may seem obvious, I’ve worked out that my optimal Focus Score is about 85%. This allows all parties to discuss the key topics of the meeting in detail, while still leaving room for broader conversation. Of course, there are some meetings where you have to just tackle the business at hand (100% focus score) and others that are much broader and far more open discussions (focus score of 60%). You can see that I’ve had both – and it is up to me to identify if my time was well spent. 

However, I’ve been able to look back empirically at over 200 of my meetings – and those that are the most successful with clients and prospects, those meetings that progress to the next stage, all have a Focus Score of about 85%. 

It is amazing what you can learn once you start measuring new information. Try SOFI today, you won’t be disappointed. 

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