mallowstreet Insurance Congress 2023

Pardon the Interruption

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Great to catch up with so many mallowstreet members at the Insurance Congress this week.
Our keynote speakers helped stretch our minds. Together we learned how to harness the power of data-visualisation to see the world in a fascinating new way, gained a better understanding about the components of resilience that can make us thrive at work and explored how elite teams make decisions in the face of extreme pressure. 

We also delved in the perils of perception – why we’re wrong about nearly everything, and how it is partially driven by our own biases and heuristics leading us astray. 

Finally, we discussed leadership and lessons to help retain talent and improve performance in business. We also heard three powerful vignettes from our founder Dawid Konotey-Ahulu.
Interspersed with these keynote presentations, we heard from eight world class asset managers.
Delegates also fought tooth and nail to showcase general as well as specific knowledge to win the Congress Quiz.

Thank you so much to everyone who attended, and for all of your contributions.
It was a pretty amazing 48 hours at Stanbrook Abbey in Worcester. We took the time to pause, listen, learn and reflect.

For those who were there, what were your main takeaways? For those who couldn’t attend and would be interested in our next event, send me a message on mallowstreet.

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