mallowstreet Investment Focus: Insurance

At this Investment Focus we bring together industry experts and professionals to explore the relationship between insurance and investment. Examining global trends such as demographic shifts, economic uncertainties, geopolitical risks, and the implications for insurance investment. Discover innovative approaches to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Through intimate, highly discussive sessions we explore the future of insurance as an investment vehicle.

Designed for investment professionals and insurance executives, with a blend of expert presentations, case studies, and collaborative discussions, you’ll leave with actionable insights to optimise your insurance investment strategies and drive long-term value. Join your peers for an opportunity to elevate your expertise in a truly collaborative environment.

This event is FREE to attend for investment decision makers and their advisers.

At mallowstreet we adhere to a principles-based approach to ensure a meaningful and respectful experience for all attendees. We believe that upholding these principles will contribute to a thriving and inclusive professional environment. Please review our Code of Conduct here: Code of Conduct


  1. Registration, Tea & Coffee

  2. Welcome & Introductions

  3. Keynote Presentation

  4. Investment Masterclass I

    Delegates split into smaller rotating groups.

    Manager 1 presents

    Manager 2 presents

  5. Session Transition

  6. Investment Masterclass II

    Delegates split into smaller rotating groups.

    Manager 1 presents

    Manager 2 presents

  7. Refreshment Break

  8. Investment Masterclass III

    Delegates split into smaller rotating groups.

    Manager 3 presents

    Manager 4 presents

  9. Session Transition

  10. Investment Masterclass IV

    Delegates split into smaller rotating groups.

    Manager 3 presents

    Manager 4 presents

  11. Lunch & Networking

  12. End