mallowstreet Dinner: Building Retirement Solutions to Sustain Long-Term Real Income in a Volatile World

In for a penny, in for a pound. In for a pot, in for a pension… As the DC landscape evolves, it’s becoming increasingly important that retirement solutions end with a pension rather than a pot. But what are the challenges facing investors and how can active management help solve them?

Join Newton Investment Management's CEO, Euan Munro, to discuss the role of a multi-strategy approach, defensive diversifiers and the need to sustain long-term real income in pension portfolios to offer to and through retirement solutions.  

This event is FREE to attend for investment decision makers and their advisers, and is accredited for CPD points by the Pensions Management Institute (PMI).

At mallowstreet we adhere to a principles-based approach to ensure a meaningful and respectful experience for all attendees. We believe that upholding these principles will contribute to a thriving and inclusive professional environment. Please review our Code of Conduct here: Code of Conduct



  1. Guest Arrival and Welcome Drinks

  2. Seated for Dinner

  3. Service Begins followed by Discussion

    Join Newton Investment Management's CEO, Euan Munro, to discuss the role of a multi-strategy approach, defensive diversifiers and the need to sustain long-term real income in pension portfolios to offer to and through retirement solutions.  

  4. End