The events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries
A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners
Past Events
mallowstreet Digital ESG Indaba
The mallowstreet Digital ESG Indaba* will bring together some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations. These will be interspersed with three Investment Masterclass sessions which will cover key investment opportunities in the area of ESG.Sponsored by
Ninety One
Morgan Stanley Investment Management
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: Discovering Investment Opportunities within Climate Transition
The threat of continued Climate Change presents very real financial risks to investment portfolios, to both existing assets as well as future investments. As the investable landscape continues to grow, so do the opportunities to commit capital into asset classes which are supporting the necessary climate transition. The threat of continued Climate Change presents very real financial risks to investment portfolios, to both existing assets as well as future investments. As the investable landscape continues to grow, so do the opportunities to commit capital into asset classes which are supporting the necessary climate transition.Sponsored by
Russell Investments
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable - Social Real Estate: The Next Big Opportunity in Secure Income?
Secure income assets have grown in popularity over recent years due to their ability to deliver high quality, often inflation-linked cashflows at attractive valuations. Robust performance during the covid-19 pandemic has further highlighted the asset class’ resilience to adverse market conditions.Sponsored by
Alpha Real Capital
The Silk Road Summit - September 2020
The potency of China’s role in shaping the world of the 21st century and beyond is no longer under debate: both geographically and economically, it has arrived on the world stage.Sponsored by
Eastspring Investments
Jupiter and Ping AN
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: Casting the Widest Net in Emerging Markets Debt
This masterclass session explores the changing nature of the EMD universe, the key drivers of risk and return in the asset class, the flawed nature of the benchmarks, and other important considerations for institutional investors.Sponsored by
Eaton Vance
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: Beyond Coronavirus - Macroeconomic Unknowns
Join us for an engaging discussion with NNIP’s Head of Investment Strategy Marco Willner, as we dive into the world of macroeconomic unknowns in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.Sponsored by
NN Investment Partners