The events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries
A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners
Past Events
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: Anatomy of a Recession - What to Look for and Where we are Headed
The coronavirus outbreak has sparked historic market volatility and pushed the US into recession. Can aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus stave off a long downturn? What factors are most important to watch in the months ahead? Join ClearBridge Investment Strategist Jeffrey Schulze, CFA as he provides an update on the U.S. economy, explores how similar periods have historically impacted equity markets and highlights the bull and bear cases for the economy and markets over the remainder of the year.Sponsored by
ClearBridge Investments
mallowstreet Digital DC Indaba 2020
Join us at the mallowstreet Defined Contribution Indaba where we will bring together some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of investment masterclass sessions and interactive keynote presentations.Sponsored by
Jupiter Asset Management
Scottish Widows
Wellington Management
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable - Good Leadership; Learning from the Crisis
Good leadership means having your house in order. Having ‘muscle memory’. Being resilient. Learning from this crisis to be better prepared for the next. Thinking strategically about the post-crisis situation.Sponsored by
Avida International
Strategia Worldwide
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: Seeking Out Steady Ascents after a Rollercoaster Quarter in Multi Asset Credit
Join the team from Ninety One at this Digital Roundtable as they explore the challenges facing credit investors in the search for attractive, resilient, sustainable individual investments, that will survive regardless of the range of outcomes that lay before us.Sponsored by
mallowstreet University Digital Investment Focus: Investment Considerations in a COVID-19 Environment - what to look out for and what questions to ask
The Digital Investment Focus is designed to equip the trustees of defined benefit pension schemes to make world-class, informed decisions about the pension funds they sit on in a time of extreme uncertainty, stress and volatility.Sponsored by
HSBC Asset Management
T. Rowe Price
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable - Climate Change: Exploring the New Paradigm for Capital Markets
In this morning digital session, hosted by Charlie Thomas from Jupiter Asset Management, we will explore the significant changes in investors and markets on climate change and other sustainable solutions over the last few years.Sponsored by
Jupiter Asset Managment