mallowstreetThe events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries

A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners

Past Events

December 2015

  • mallowstreet Live: Should a pension fund be targeting 'buyout' ?


    In this Live Debate, we will be asking whether a pension fund should be targeting 'buyout'. Over the course of the debate, our expert panel will be discussing: 

    • What are the main considerations a trustee board need to think about when deciding on a buyout / buyin?

    • How does a pension fund get ready for a buyout? What assets, data, structure needs to be in place?

    • Is a buyout right for every pension fund?

    • How do you price a buyout? What types of assets should a pension fund need to have in place for the best buyout price?

    • What will be / is the impact of Solvency II? What does the competitive landscape look like (e.g. consolidation) how will this impact the market going forward?
    Sponsored by
    • Rothesay Life
    • Legal & General
    • Premier Pensions Management
  • How NOT To Get Referrals and Build Your Network


    We are delighted to announce that we will be running one final workshop with Andy Lopata to bring our 2015 Events calendar to a close. 


    With growing competition and more demand on people's wallets, it's becoming harder and harder to win new business. Yet still so many financial services firms leave potential new revenues untapped and unexplored.  

    The reason is very simple. Across financial and professional services, referral strategies range from ineffective, to passive, to simply non-existent. As a result, potential new business and/or investment simply goes elsewhere. 

    In this talk, Andy will share with you the 7 key skills to ensure that you are maximising on your extended network to secure strong referrals and un-tap and explore potential new revenues and win new business.

    Sponsored by
    • mallowstreet
  • Private Equity Co-Investments – a way to access uncorrelated returns in a fee-efficient way


    For their first mallowstreet University Dinner, GCM Grosvenor will be discussing the opportunity set in private equity co-investments.  

    With trustees and advisors looking for alternative and uncorrelated sources of return to traditional markets, private equity co-investments present the opportunity to benefit from potentially outsized investment returns in a fee-efficient way. 

    Sponsored by
    • GCM Grosvenor LLP

November 2015

  • mallowstreet University: Defined Contribution Drive In


    The Defined Contribution Ecosystem is quickly evolving as new Government policies start to take shape in the industry.

    This half day interactive and educational seminar will examine these changes, and Delegates will breakout into interactive workshops with leading managers to gain an understanding of how the investment universe is innovating to adapt to these changes.

    The morning will finish with two keynote sessions exploring how the industry is engaging with individual members, and hear from one of the largest UK Defined Contribution Pension Funds.

    Sponsored by
    • Premier Pensions Management
    • Quietroom
    • State Street Global Advisors
    • Schroders
    • Columbia Threadneedle
  • University Dinner: The Emergence of Emerging Market Debt


    First State Investments are pleased to be hosting their second mallowstreet University Dinner of 2015.

    Emerging Market Debt (‘EMD’) has seen significant adoption across the institutional investor spectrum, with assets growing significantly since the Credit Crunch and onset of unconventional monetary policy in 2008.

    Sponsored by
    • First State Invetsments