The events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries
A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners
Past Events
The London Credit Drive In
With diverging Central Bank Monetary Policies, Credit is at the top of the agenda for many pension funds. As government bond yields begin to fluctuate across the curve, mallowstreet has gathered together a group of fixed income specialists to review some of the recent developments in both the credit and debt markets and explore their key features.
Sponsored by
- Morgan Stanley
- MacKay Shields
- Schroders
- TwentyFour Asset Management
mallowstreet University Dinner: Understanding Risk Factor Investing - The Evolution of Multi Asset
Understanding risk factor investing: the evolution of multi asset.
During the global financial crisis, long-term correlations counted for nothing as various asset classes fell in unison. Some multi-asset investors are now focussed on diversifying the risk factors embedded within assets, rather than on diversifying the asset classes per se, providing a new dimension to ‘multi asset’ and ‘diversified growth’.
This educational session will focus on the theory and, in particular, the practice of risk factor investing.
Sponsored by
- Franklin Templeton
mallowstreet University Dinner: The Smart Approach To Investing in Emerging Market Debt
The Rohatyn Group (TRG) are hosting their Second Mallowstreet University Workshop as part of the 2015 series of education events.
With developed market bond yields near zero, institutional investors are still turning to emerging markets debt for higher yields. That said, the challenging environment for emerging markets has promoted a number of questions from investors, including:
- What effect will changes in the U.S. Federal Reserve policy and rising interest rates have on emerging market debt, especially given the turbulence during the taper tantrum in 2013?
- How will the drop in oil prices along with general commodities affect Emerging Market Debt?
- What is the outlook/opportunity set for Emerging Market Debt in 2015?
Sponsored by
- The Rohatyn Group
How NOT To Get Referrals and Build Your Network
Following the first successful event in November 2014, Andy Lopata will share with you the key mistakes he sees practiced by so many unsuccessful advisors time and time again, ensuring they don't get anywhere near as many referrals as they should. In the man’s own words “for referrals you need to be more proactive. The service you provide simply lays the groundwork; you have to do the rest.”
mallowstreet Live: Is the Equities Landscape Changing?
Our panelist will be providing their views and thoughts about the Equities Landscape - is it changing?
Panelists confirmed for this exciting debate include:
Jean-René Adam, CFA | Assistant CIO & Vice President, North American Markets, Hexavest
Colin McQueen, Senior Fund Manager, Global Equities, Sanlam FOUR
Sponsored by
- Allianz Global Investors
- Eaton Vance
- Hermes Investment Management
mallowstreet Live: Hedge Funds and Derivatives
Tune in on Friday 8th May to hear our expert panel in our mallowstreet live debate: A Detailed Look at Hedge Funds.
The panel includes:
- Adam Sorab, Investment Committee Member | The BUPA Pension Fund
- Christopher Fawcett, Senior Investment Officer | Permal
- Paul Dackombe, Managing Director | Man Group
Sponsored by
- Permal
- Man GLG