mallowstreet time accredited as CPD time: Putting trustee education front and centre

Pardon the Interruption

This article is just an example of the content available to mallowstreet members.

On average over 150 pieces of new content are published from across the industry per month on mallowstreet. Members get access to the latest developments, industry views and a range of in-depth research.

All the content on mallowstreet is accredited for CPD by the PMI and is available to trustees for free.

Last month we launched the revamped, incorporating cutting edge technology for easier interaction and a unique CPD Centre to help trustees on their educational journey.

The Pensions Management Institute agrees with the educational quality of our content and has professionally accredited, as well as all of our mallowstreet University events. Now, all the time that pension funds spend on or at a mallowstreet event is pre-approved for CPD accreditation by the PMI, and members can track their CPD automatically using the CPD Centre. We are so excited as we believe this tool will help trustee boards with tracking education, but ultimately, collaboration – resulting in better results for members.

Better interactions for a growing and engaged community

In June we welcomed 49 new users onto the platform, just over 50% of whom hold trustee roles. We also saw more than 200 unique posts and comments (double the activity from May) and the top 10 search terms highlight what is front of mind for trustees on mallowstreet.

Top 10 Searches in June
1. Private Debt
2. Recovery Plan
3.  GDPR
4. ESG / Sustainability
5. Credit Spreads
6. Defined Contribution
7. Member Communication
8. Covenant
9. Interest Rates
10. Liability Driven Investment (LDI)

I also thought it would be good to share some of the most popular blogs over the past month:

It is clear that pension funds are looking at mapping out their end game, structuring recovery plans, and focusing on how to build better defined contribution schemes.

Helping us help you

We are continuing to make updates and enhancements to mallowstreet every week.  If you’ve got an idea on how we can make mallowstreet easier to use, or more helpful in supporting you in your role, please drop me a line directly.  We love hearing from members of the community.

Finally, do you think someone could benefit from joining the community? Invite them today!
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