mallowstreetThe events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries

A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners

Past Events

October 2021

  • mallowstreet University Dinner: What's Your End Game Plan?

    to at The Stafford, London, SW1A 1NJ

    End game planning is now an agenda item at most trustee meetings as what was once seemed a distant spot on the horizon is now coming into focus.
    Sponsored by
    • Rothesay
  • mallowstreet Insurance Indaba

    to at Pan Pacific Hotel, 80 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7AB

    This year, we are hosting our inaugural mallowstreet Insurance Indaba, bringing together some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations. These will be interspersed with four Investment Masterclass sessions which will cover key investment topics important to the insurance Industry.
    Sponsored by
    • Credit Suisse Asset Management
    • Morgan Stanley Investment Management
    • Natixis Investment Managers
    • M&G Investments
  • mallowstreet University Dinner: Investing in a Sustainable Future

    to at Bentley's Oyster Bar & Grill, 11-15 Swallow St, London, W1B 4DG

    We believe that climate change will be a disruptive force in the global economy over the long term given the impact on human lives, economic activity and financial markets.
    Sponsored by
    • PIMCO
  • mallowstreet University Investment Focus: ESG & Sustainability

    to at South Place Hotel, 3 South Place, London, EC2M 2AF

    The global pandemic has highlighted the importance of ESG and Sustainabilty in our industry, and is front of mind for almost all trustees and investment teams.
    Sponsored by
    • GAM Investments
    • Habitability
    • Quoniam
    • Nuveen

September 2021

  • The Digital Silk Road Summit - September 2021


    The potency of China’s role in shaping the world of the 21st century and beyond is no longer under debate: both geographically and economically, it has arrived on the world stage.
    Sponsored by
    • E Fund Management Co.
    • RWC Partners