mallowstreetThe events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries

A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners

Past Events

June 2021

  • mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: Lifting the Lid on the LDI Market


    Join us as we discuss the key findings of the recent LDI market research from BMO Global Asset Management and mallowstreet. This roundtable is designed for individuals with investment responsibilities from DB schemes including professional trustees, chairs of trustees, and chairs of investment committees.
    Sponsored by
    • BMO Global Asset Management
  • mallowstreet Digital Emerging Markets Indaba


    The mallowstreet Emerging Markets Indaba* will bring together some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations and Investment Masterclass sessions.
    Sponsored by
    • GAM Investments
    • Ninety One
    • RWC Partners
  • mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable - Higher Yielding Fixed Income: Current Market Environment and How it Can Help Getting You Closer to the End Game


    In this conversation, the team from Capital Group will share their thoughts on the current market environment for bond investors. Exploring the dual benefit of diversifying your portfolio into higher yielding fixed income to address near-term cashflows while staying on course to meet funding objectives.
    Sponsored by
    • Capital Group
  • mallowstreet University Digital Investment Focus: CDI


    During this online Investment Focus, delegates will break into two rotating Investment Masterclass sessions and hear from some world-class asset managers on where and how pension funds can access assets that will help to build a comprehensive and robust CDI strategy.
    Sponsored by
    • Schroders
    • Nuveen
  • The Digital Silk Road Summit - June 2021


    The potency of China’s role in shaping the world of the 21st century and beyond is no longer under debate: both geographically and economically, it has arrived on the world stage.
    Sponsored by
    • Eastspring Investments
    • CSOP Asset Management