The events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries
A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners
Past Events
University Dinner: The Revitalisation of the New Issue U.S. Non Agency RMBS Market
Premium Point Investments, a $2 billion structured credit hedge fund that specialises in mortgage backed securities, is pleased to be hosting their first Education Dinner of the 2013 mallowstreet University Series. Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) have been blamed by many for their role in the financial crash of 2007. However, as the housing market recovers in the United States, new loans are being originated, and significant opportunities in the market for new issue securities exist.Sponsored by
- Premium Point Investments
University Dinner: The Case for Activism in Equity Investing
RWC Partners is pleased to be hosting, in collaboration with mallowstreet, their first Educational Dinner in the 2013 series. In today’s depressed return environment, pension funds are increasingly looking to specialist activist investing to generate meaningful excess returns. There is research which shows that active equity based ownership adds alpha for companies and investors, as a consequence of change.Sponsored by
- RWC Partners
University Dinner: Emerging Markets in Latin America
Itau Asset Management in collaboration with Mallowstreet is pleased to holding its next Mallowstreet dinner. Brian Chase, Portfolio Manager for Latin America ex-Brazil will give his overview of the opportunities which are emerging as the main markets and economies in the Latin America (“LatAm”) region continue to develop and grow.Sponsored by
- Itau Asset Management
University Training Workshop: Absolute Return Investing
Absolute Return and Diversified Growth Funds are increasingly common place within the UK Pension Fund arena. Whether they are used as an equity replacement strategy or part of an alternatives allocation, they aim to deliver positive investment returns in all market conditions. Our interactive training sessions look to introduce you to the various aspects of absolute return investing.Sponsored by
- Standard Life Investments
University Dinner: Complexity is a drag on growth.
In a world where everyone expects, yet gives no quarter; points the finger of blame elsewhere; and works against rather than with others to find sensible and implementable solutions how can economies move forward and investors make rational long term decisions?Sponsored by
- Man
University Dinner: Controlling Risk in a Low Rate Environment
State Street Global Advisors are delighted to be hosting their first mallowstreet University Dinner on the topic of Risk in a Low Rate Envirnoment. The majority of pension schemes would agree that ideally they should hedge a greater proportion of the interest rate and inflation risks associated with their liabilities. However, in the current low interest rate envirnmoent pension schemes are delaying taking action to increase their existing hedges.Sponsored by
- State Street Global Advisors