The events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries
A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners
Past Events
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable - Income-generating Illiquid Investments: What’s not to like?
Whilst many investors can be put off by some of the restrictions that come with investing in illiquid assets, during this session Sally Bridgeland will examine the benefits they can bring to long-term investors.Sponsored by
Darwin Alternative Asset Managment Ltd.
The Digital Silk Road Summit - November 2020
The potency of China’s role in shaping the world of the 21st century and beyond is no longer under debate: both geographically and economically, it has arrived on the world stage.mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: Managing Risk in an Uncertain World
Through the lens of derivatives, we see a market that has become far more fragile and illiquid whereby market shocks are increasingly frequent and often more severe, but with equally sharp recoveries. In this Roundtable we discuss how, in an uncertain and increasingly volatile world, asset owners can look to manage risk.Sponsored by
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable - Commercial Ground Rents: A Secure Income Opportunity in a Time of Adversity?
Secure income assets have grown in popularity over recent years due to their ability to deliver high quality, often inflation-linked cashflows at attractive valuations. Robust performance during the covid-19 pandemic has further highlighted the asset class’ resilience to adverse market conditions.Sponsored by
Alpha Real Capital
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: Finding Alpha in Emerging Markets - A Framework for Active Management Across the Fastest Growing Economies
Join the team from Milltrust, as they explain why they are challenging the all-to-common investor approach of only selecting one or two large global EM managers to fill an EM allocation quickly and “safely”.Sponsored by
Milltrust International
mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable: 2020 - A Volatile Year for UK Pension Schemes, How Have Cashflow Strategies Fared and What Lessons Have Been Learned?
With the impact of COVID-19, trustees have been forced to prioritise shorter-term risks and investment considerations. What can we learn from those schemes which in recent years had already set out to re-position their investment strategies to focus on sustainable cashflow delivery and the de-risking of their overall investment strategies?Sponsored by
AXA Investment Managers