mallowstreetThe events calendar for the institutional pensions & insurance industries

A selection of upcoming events from mallowstreet & our partners

Past Events

September 2015

  • mallowstreet Summer Drinks


    We are pleased to announce that our Summer Drinks are now re-scheduled for Thursday 24th September. Hosted at Patch Bar, London, the first few rounds are on us and nibbles will be provided. We hope you can join us for a great evening where you will have ample opportunity to meet other community members and network and build relationships within the mallowstreet community.

    We will be there from 5:30pm and look forward to seeing you all there! 


    Register your place now

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    • mallowstreet
  • How NOT To Get Referrals and Build Your Network


    Back by popular demand, we are delighted to announe that we will be running this popular workshop again on Wednesday 23 September 2015.

    Across financial and professional services, referral strategies range from ineffective, to passive, to simply non-existent. As a result, potential new business and/or investment simply goes elsewhere.

    In this talk, Andy will share with you the key mistakes he sees practiced by so many unsuccessful advisors time and time again, ensuring they don't get anywhere near as many referrals as they should. In the man’s own words “for referrals you need to be more proactive. The service you provide simply lays the groundwork; you have to do the rest.” 

    Sponsored by
    • mallowstreet
  • University Dinner: What Next for Latin America?


    As institutional investors continue to look globally for returns, this University will focus specifically on opportunities in Latin America.

    Over dinner, Eduardo de Toledo (Portfolio Specialist for Latin American Equities) will explain how best to approach the region, some of the current investment opportunities, where there is potential for return.


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    • Sponsor
  • mallowstreet University Dinner: The Role of Multi-Asset in Full Funding


    With pension schemes looking to manage their funding levels with a view to being fully funded, Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager Nick Samouilhan of Aviva Investors will discuss the appropriate place for multi-asset and multi-strategy funds in pension scheme portfolios. There’s a growing interest in products like these from schemes of all sizes, but why? And if your scheme is interested, Nick will examine some of the options available, from growth funds to income and liability matching.

    Sponsored by
    • Aviva Investors
  • mallowstreet Live: The Rise and Role of Fiduciary Management for UK pensions


    In this month’s live debate we will be looking at the different types of fiduciary management available, through a discussion pitting the pros and cons of Fiduciary management against implemented consulting. We will discuss how schemes can monitor the success of their fiduciary manager and stay informed on developments in the field.

    With expert contributors from Goldman Sachs and Russell Investments, be sure to join us for what should be a lively debate. 

    Sponsored by
    • City Noble
    • Russell Investments
    • Goldman Sachs Asset Management
  • University Dinner: Infrastructure Equity – Outlook in a Rising Rate Environment


    Topical as it is, should infrastructure play a part in investment portfolios, considering the risk of rising rates?  If so, should the exposure be in public or private markets or both?

    A common misconception is that a listed infrastructure investment is more risky than an identical unlisted investment because of the inherent volatility in listed’s daily pricing. This view is disingenuous, as it confuses volatility in pricing with the volatility in cashflow.

    Over Dinner, Richard Elmslie, Co-Founder of RARE, will examine how rising rates will affect the cash flows of utilities and infrastructure assets and what is the outlook for the public and private market infrastructure environment.

    Sponsored by
    • RARE Infrastructure